We solved this issue bij tuning the OID. We replaced the default index by a bitmap index:
To recreate the ei_attrstore index perform the following steps:
a. Use sqlplus to connect to the OID database as user "ods" or connect as system and set the schema to ods, e.g.
$ sqlplus system/
SQL> alter session set current_schema=ods;
b. Drop the existing ei_attrstore index:
SQL> drop index ei_attrstore;
c. Recreate the ei_attrstore index:
SQL> create bitmap index ei_attrstore on ds_attrstore(entryid, attrname) tablespace olts_attrstore nologging compute statistics;
SQL> alter index ei_attrstore noparallel;
And we changed the configset0
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h [SERVERNAME] -p [PORT] -D cn=orcladmin -w [PASSWORD] -v <<EOF
dn: cn=configset0,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orclmaxcc
orclmaxcc: 10
replace: orclserverproces
orclserverprocs: 2
After these changes the oidldapd did not have the strange behavior anymore.
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I am curious what led you to that solution?